Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I'm usually not a fan of using songs I like for commercials, but since Volkswagen used Nick Drake's song "Pink Moon" a few years back, it's exposed his talent to a far greater audience, and for that, I'm grateful. Nick's story is a tragic one, sensitive singer-songwriter too nervous and too depressed to function in the glare of the spotlight, his genius only building an audience after his death.
There's a pretty decent "best of" CD, but you really should own the 3 original releases, nicely reissued, spiffed up with classy slipcase sleeves (pictured are the original covers, including what has to be in the Top Ten Worst Covers Ever for "Pink Moon".) Then of course you need "Made to Love Magic", because that collects the harrowing "Black Eyed Dog", thought for years to be the last song Nick recorded until the discovery a few years ago of "Tow the Line" (also included here.)

"Bryter Layter" seems a bit over-produced to me, but Joe Boyd claims it's the one perfect album he worked on. I've gotten used to it over the years, and can even listen to "Poor Boy" without cringing anymore. If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be "Five Leaves Left" but really, they're all great. What a gift, what a loss.

1 comment:

  1. Nick Drake's music is timeless and has held up very well over the years. I have to admit that Bryter Layter is my favorite, perhaps because it was my first Drake LP. Or maybe because of the wide variety of the music, including the instrumental pieces. Great post....thanks!
