Monday, November 15, 2010

The Record That Changed My Life

The album was "Music for Monsters, Munsters, Mummies & Other TV Fiends" by Milton Delugg and His Orchestra. I saw it advertised in a magazine circa 1964 and I just had to have it. The album itself was pretty forgettable -- versions of TV themes of "The Munsters", "The Addams Family" and assorted related titles. So how did this LP change my life, you ask? Because I had to have my parents take me to the store that sold LPs, stereos and phonograph needles -- and I asked them to special order it for me. Why is that a big deal? Up till then, I never realized you could do that! I was no longer bound by what I could find in Woolworths or Sears -- I could ask someone to order just about anything I wanted! (Later, when I started working in record stores, I discovered label catalogs with every single one of their releases listed -- I was in heaven.) It may not seem like a big deal now, with mega-online stores and downloads, but for a kid itching to discover the wide world of music, it was momentous, as if a hidden door suddenly opened. I never looked back.

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