Monday, July 11, 2011

Bride of the Night at Firesign Theatre, Part Two

I explain to Phil A. and David O. what we're hoping for , maybe a fifty minute program along the theme of the library conference, we'll pay a (ridiculously small) fee -- and they agree.

The big night. We have no idea what to expect. David arrives, then Phil. I unofficially become Phil's 'minder', and Programming Guy (PG) squires around David. David & Phil huddle to sketch out what they plan to do (some Firesign material, some of David's poetry, excerpts from Phil's as-yet-to-be published masterwork, bits of plays and reveries they've performed before in similar situations).

There's a dinner a few hours before showtime, and they graciously share the table with my boss & his wife and a few Whatcom County Library staff. David's wife Judith (who manages the sound system) joins us. Phil's wife, the enchanting Oona, remains at home.
Phil and David continue to huddle on and off during dinner, but still take the time to be charming dinner guests.

Since they're performing in that very same space later, Judith stays behind to set up the sound system, so PG & I escort David and Phil around the conference center. We head to a wine reception that's a 'thank-you' to big library donors. It's in a two-story glass-enclosed building, and since the donor panel speakers are on the mezzanine level, as we walk towards the building , our ground-floor view is everyone facing our way, gazing upwards. Says Phil: "I have a bad feeling about this..."


  1. A really fun series of posts, David. I'm enjoying them. I had no idea you were that close to Firesign Theatre. "Don't Crush That Dwarf" and another one or two are in my collection.

  2. Actually, I didn't know any of them personally -- just made a few cold calls. Guess I finally got over my fear of celebrities!
